Thursday, 2 May 2013

Note to Moderator

Note to moderator

Dear moderator please find below my Media Foundation Portfolio G321. My brief was to research, plan construct and evaluate a front cover, contents ad double page spread. I chose to make an acoustic/pop music magazine. Please use the labels to navigate your way through my blog to find each section.

Kind Regards

Callum White

Candidate Number: 7121

Final Construction

Monday, 22 April 2013

Evaluation Question 1: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challends forms and conventions of real media products?

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Evaluation Question 2: How does your media product represent particular social groups?

 Question 2: how does your media product represent particular social groups?

Evaluation Question 3: What kind of institution might distribute your media product?

Question 3: What kind of institution might distribute your media product?

My media product is aimed at the male perspective between the ages of 13 and 18. This is why my product should be sold in places where my magazine will come into contact with my target audience the most. Places like HMV and Tescos would be appropriate however selling my magazine in a book store would not be a good idea as teenagers rarely visit these shops.

The reason i will be placing my magazine in shops like HMV and Tesco is because many teenagers go into town during the week and over the weekend. These shops allow my music magazine to be sold in a music based store so i find my target audience which is music lovers and selling it in a supermarket allows my magazine to be seen by a larger variety of people.

I am also using new technology to help sell my magazine. With apple and their new app called iMagazine this allows them to make monthly or weekly subscriptions or to just buy a 1 off magazine. This means my magazine is more accesibl to younger people living in a technology rich age.

I am making my magazines price £1.99 for one off issues which is called psychological pricing and makes the buyer think they are getting a better deal then thy actually are. I am also using the same method of pricing for subscriptions which are £1.59 which is cheaper than the standard issue encouraging people to subscribe to my magazine for a cheaper deal.

Putting my magazine in a bigger shop such as tesco means that there will be compition against my music magazine which is why the use of a eye catching front cover combined with the lower price than my competitors should allow my music magazine to stand out.

Other music magazines like Brink, We <3 Pop and NME are currently offering subscriptions all over the world in over 180 countries. To compete with this as a new magazine using things like phones and internet purchasing is a real vital to get well known and easily found.  Magazines are very popular as last year 625,127 music magazines were sold in the UK. The music industry is growing and therefore so is the variations in music magazines. The most popular magazines seem to lean more towards the multi music category and dont just take in one genre of music most of them take multiple genres and mash them together. This is what my music magazine does, its main focus is acoustic music and pop which pulls in artists like Mike James, Bruno Mars and Olly Murs. This will help my magazine appeal to a large percentage of people.


This is a graph with the question asked at the top of the graph to U.S and UK teenage internet users as of August 2012 asking them what their favourit music genre was. Now it is hard to get every genre of music as there is over 100 genres with thousands of subgenres but from this graph it is clear that pop is the most popular with 18.40% of the votes. This means my magazine is selling to the largest audience that use the internet which means using technology like IMagazine all the more important as well as subscription on the Acoustic internet site.

Evaluation Question 4 & 5: Who would be the audience for my media product? How did you attract/address your audience?

Evaluation Question 6: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Evaluation - Question 6: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

This was the first program i used to start planning designing and to create my music magazine. This allowed me to edit my images as well as add titles and everything i need for the basics of a magazine. It allows creat customisation with over 200 fonts and huge variaty of effects that can be used on the fonts. With the gridlines that can be added it allows you to make everything very organised and structured for pages like the contents and by turning them off you can make other pages stand out and be unique.

Blogger has taught me that it is important to be constantly updating work as you can always go back and edit if it is wrong. It is also a great way of reminding yourself of what you have to do for next time you go on by either posting a update to yourself or a To Do List.

The camera is a key part of a music magazine as you want images to draw in the viewers not just words to make it like a book. Words can be used to describe things well but nothing is as good as a picture. You can turn any ordinary surrounding into something that intrigues the reader.

Prezi is a presentation site which allows you to easily explain pictures as well as keep it interesting. It is a way of breaking up words with movement.

This site is useful as it allows me to keep a diary entry of what i have done this is why using it to show my progression from prelim to finished product is a big help.

Thursday, 28 March 2013

Evaluation plan

Question 1: In what ways dies your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions o real media products? Prezi with arrows pointing to the similarities and differences accross my magazine front cover and a RMA

Question 2: how does your media product represent particular social groups? Wix to show a slide show or gallery of all the pictures to show what the artists in my media product were representing.

Question 3: What kind of institution might distribute your media product?

Question 4: Who would be the audience for my media product?
Question 5: How did you attract/address your audience?
Question 6: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
Question 7: Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel that you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Original Images

Contents draft 13

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Front cover draft 9

Draft contents 8

In this draft i have removed the flowers as they didnt reach my genre and added a cover line which will make it more like a  music magazine as well as offering more artists in my contents.

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Improvements for Contents and double page spread

I will change my pictures for the headline what inspires your artist to pictures of other artists to make my contents look like a music magazine
Double page spread
Add the image of my original artist

Monday, 4 March 2013

Double page spread 4

Double page spread 3

Double page spread draft 2

Double page spread draft 1

I chose the graffiti wall as the background and the orange title to match the colour of the writing

Original images

Artist was ill so i used a different person for my double page spread

I like this picture because it has a vibrant backgrond but the artist still stands out.

I dislike this picture because the artist is squinting and i dont think this picture is direct as the other

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Double page spread text

Outside the 5 star ST.Regis hotel in London a group of screaming school girls gather to see Mike James arriving for his stay in the hotel for his live performance at the famous 02 Arena. Mike James is 22 years old and is a pop superstar, only arriving on the scene in 2011 he has celebrated his 1st number one UK album and a hit UK single last year. This morning he tells us he was signing some autographs and pictures for the fans he had left waiting for him. Power asks him some questions about his super star life. We asked him how he deals with all the attention? "I loved it at first all the fame and the girls and the money isn't bad either, but after a while it gets boring. Yes I'm glad i have this life but i miss talking to girls and getting to know them instead of them screaming  my name and only knowing me on the stage and not off it". Before his performance Mike James talks to the people who have backstage passes and says this is one of his favourite parts of the job. He gets to talk to the girls that got back stage passes as himself, not some superstar that everyone is screaming and raving about him. We asked do you have any pre performance rituals or superstitions? "Well yes and no i do believe if i don't relax fully in the hotel by playing fifa and eating well then i will perform badly for my fans, but i also believe that most of it is down to the fans and how they create a atmosphere in which i can almost amplify my performance". His current tour involves him playing at the 02 Arena this weekend Friday to Sunday and then moving up the and down the country to perform at places like Wembley and in cities like Leeds, Reading, Newcastle and his tour even involves a late addition with a stop in Cardiff and the Millennium stadium.
We asked the star are their places you prefer performing at? "Leeds and London are great places to perform but my fans are great wherever i go they always support me and i owe them for that". Last year the star was verbally slated by Danny Baker

Pull quote "Don't judge me if you don't know me"

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Mrs D

Well done for meeting your contents deadline. I think the layout and colomn alignment is effective. However, the images of flowers do not match your target audience or genre. Go back to your RMAs for inspiration. It needs to read as a music magazine and feature different artists linked to genre and audience.

Monday, 25 February 2013

Contents draft 7

Contents draft 6

Contents draft 5

More of my stories have been added now and the page numbers moved to the right hand side to allow another big story to be underneath my main contents story.

Contents draft 4

My page numbers have been added and the page number for the picture has been made more clear by boxing it and changing it to black and giving the text "Do you know mike james" with a black outline

Contents draft 3

This has changed my layout completely and i have gone for three columns and the music notes above the outer columns

Saturday, 23 February 2013

Half term posts

-Created contents stories and spent a hour on starting my double page spread writing

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Contents draft 2

Contents draft 1

This is the main story on my contents page it is the same as the front but a different image. There is the story headline and below a quote from the article as well as the page number in the top right

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Draft front cover 7

Mrs D

Well done for hitting your front cover deadline. There are some good ideas here. Go back to the criteria you were given and use it to help you improve. Try and use a range of font styles and sizes, your barcode is too lareg and try the cover lines without the background colour. keep up the good work.

Monday, 11 February 2013

Draft front cover 6

This is my final draft it is finished and needs audience feedback so i can improve it for my final copy. I have added a coverline and boxes with coverlines inside them. The colour scheme for my magazine consists of red, black and white. The coverlines are in line with my genre however i am not sure my title is appropriate for my genre as i changed it from rap to hip hop and pop but kept the same title as i thought it would be universal and work for most music genres.

Draft front cover 5

This is my 5th draft and in this there has been added some coverline on the right hand side behind the artist and coverline below the title Power. The coverline below my title is a offer that my magazine will do to help get new and upcoming artist known and start to be recognised. The phone scanner in between the price and the barcode will allow who ever buys the magazine to be able to download that song for free and it will make our magazine popular with the artist who's song we advertise as well as supporting new talent into the music industry

Draft front cover 4

This is my 4th draft this has a barcode added and the price but also the artist has been enlarged and moved so he is more central to the magazine and the title has been moved down so is doesnt obstruct his clothing too much as well as allowing more room for coverlines and other features to be added

Draft front cover 3

 This is slightly more developed than the one below but the alternating white and black coverlines i dont like so i have decided to take them out and work on the bottom one and change the cover lines